Everything was themed around Halloween. First thing we did was take a hay ride to the majic pumpkin patch. We got to a spot where we stopped and each kid was given a majic pumpkin seed to plant. Later we trick or treated to a few a camp sites but were told that Sat. was the big night for that. The girls also colored their own Yogi trick or treat bags.
Sat. morning Bill took Cassidy and Jordan to the flagpole to meet yogi and Cindy. We then got back on the hayride and headed to the majic pumpkin patch. When we reached the spot the kids got off and picked out their pumpkin. Back we went to camp where they painted their pumpkins. Sat afternoon they all put on their costumes and joined a parade and judging contest. Cassidy got honorable mention and Jordan got third place in the under 5 category. We then trick or treated around the campgrounds and then headed back to the cabins to hang our around the fire.

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