Thursday, July 31, 2008


Irelynn will have plenty of friends her age to grow up with. It looks like Slade will have several girls to chase around. Maggie, Miranda, Irelynn and Slade are all just a few months apart in age. It was like there was a baby boom in 2008.

Cake Decorating

Yesterday Cassidy and Jordan attended a Cake Decorating class at CLUMC. They had a great time. Check out their Hello Kitty Cakes they made.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Making sugar cookies

The other day I took on the task of baking sugar cookies with the girls. They had fun making a mess. The pictures prove that decorating cookies can be interesting.


Yesterday was a busy day for the girls. First they went to a music class at CLUMC and then they went to a playdate at Acrosports Gymnastics where they had a blast. Several kids from Mom and Tots were there. Afterwards we headed over to CiCi's pizza and then it was off to swim lessons. Needless to say the girls were in bed by 7pm and asleep by 7:10.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

4th of July

Every holiday we take pictures of the girls. This is the first holiday pictures with Irelynn. You would think the girls would be a pro at taking holiday pictures but every time seems to be an ordeal. However we seem to get decent picturs most of the time.

Swim Lessons

Cassidy and Jordan are enjoying their swim lessons at the Williams Indoor Swimming pool. Cassidy is a fish. She enjoys going under water and testing her limits. Jordan is all smiles as long as the water stays out of her face. Everyday they ask me if they have swim lessons. They are making their mom proud by going into the water without me. That is a huge step for my girls because doing anything without mom or dad usually proves to be traumatic.

Our Family

Our Family is now complete. Irelynn Maye Segelken was born on June 11, 2008. She has two loving twin sisters, Cassidy and Jordan who are 4 yrs. old.