On Sunday evening Bill received a call from his boss that he needed to be back to work on Tuesday, Sept 16th. We received confirmation that our house did not have power so we made the decision to rent a car for me and the girls to head to Grammy and Papa's and Daddy would head home in the van with the dogs. It was an intense 5 1/2 hr drive to my mom's. We had to stop numerous times and Irelynn screamed the whole way.
While in Florida we did several things. We went to the park and the girls played in a splash pad and fed the ducks. We went shopping at the mall where the girls rode the carosel. This is a ritual that has to be done so Jordan can ride her pig. The pigs name is Pork Chop. We visited some of my friends and played at chickfila. Cassidy and Jordan helped grammy bathe one of the horses and then Jordan got a ride on Turnie. This was the horse that I use to ride and show. Saturday evening they got to go see Grammy and Papa square dance. The girls had a blast but were ready to go home and see daddy.
The evening before we left to come home, Irelynn rolled over several times from her stomach to her back and she rolled over twice from her back to her stomach. Cassidy and Jordan were almost 6 months when they first rolled over and Irelynn is only 3 1/2 months.
Monday Sept. 22 I spent most of my 7th year anniversary in the car riding home from Florida to Texas. My stepdad drove me half way where we met up with Bill and then we finished the rest of trip with daddy. We did stop and have a nice family dinner at Gringos.
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